, }, d9 B2 y$ U6 K) o2 e! x【影片原名】Celine: Through the Eyes of the World 6 M. @5 f$ D8 P* c6 ?【中文译名】席琳•狄翁:全世界的目光 ) ]8 A* y9 s) \( K0 F【出品公司】Sony Pictures Releasing + K% ]( `3 J/ I. C3 q @【出品年代】2010 年* I0 r+ B' X. l3 A, W/ ?
【上映日期】2010年2月 美国 ; d3 A# V7 Z/ F2 U% O+ q) I2 G【影片级别】Ireland:12A | Ireland:G | Canada:G (all jurisdictions)* G/ R0 \8 v N6 J& v0 P! I
【IMDB链接】http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1570982 j: `9 F& q( o" T/ |5 i
【IMDB评分】8.0/10 (44 votes) . F2 @4 k5 v6 D) z* {+ o【国 家】美国. [5 Y/ Z/ ^1 H/ O
【类 别】纪录片/音乐 ( q9 r" ~3 O3 ^【导 演】Stéphane Laporte6 m. ? _) |) |2 |, ?. j% q' X2 ^
【主 演】席琳•狄翁 Céline Dion....Herself6 i7 j2 p( `+ O% S6 D. D
René Angelil ....Himself / l1 [( L7 e" j- G5 l " D0 r }4 k3 Y0 s
【影片长度】173 Mins 1 Y l+ R/ e; L0 O+ B. ^/ J【对白语言】英语 + D: z; N6 ^9 g' G! I C& O3 e! ^, S0 N& r
【内容简介】# Y4 h* n5 _4 `
G' u% W) _" v( p 索尼推出的一部关于席琳迪翁(Celine Dion)全球巡回演唱会的同类型纪录片《席琳:透过世界的眼睛》(Through the Eyes of the World)。8 ~. m$ |" r5 T* u. n
. c# |$ I6 Q" F( }/ f% sCeline: Through the Eyes of the World will bring Celine Dion's 2008-2009 Taking Chances World Tour to theaters. This event gives Dion fans who attended the extremely popular tour - which placed Dion second only to Madonna in ticket sales in 2008 - another chance to experience the magical event, this time from a vantage point unparalleled by any ticket.& `. E6 w" u/ ^ M
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